Ick. I'm sick. Or rather, I was really sick, and now I'm slightly better.
I ate for the first time since Wednesday yesterday. Threw up 10 times Thursday. Almost threw up yesterday. Dry heaved around 6 times Friday. Almost passed out during softball yesterday.
I ran out of stuff to throw up. It was gross. Throwing up is such an awful physical sensation. You all of a sudden start sweating, and then you get awful woozy, and then the gagging, the ewwwwwwwww. Stopping. Dropped my uncle off to get on his cruise today. Everyone in the car was talking about throwing up. I know for a fact that none of them has thrown up in at least 10 years. I told them to shut up, I might puke on them if they don't. They did. I can barely stand. This sucks. I'm slowly being allowed to eat. key word slowly. Blah.