Friday, June 18, 2010


Wow!! It has bee soooo super duper long since i have posted anything on here! I was just so busy with school, trying to keep my grades up, which I managed to do relatively ok. A's in everything except a B+ in math, which i got an A- on the final and A+'s on the last two tests of the year. I guess that just doesn't make up for a couple of F's and D's on tests earlier in the year...
But WOW IT'S SUMMER AND I AM SO EXCITED. And grounded... So, since I am basically not allowed out, I have plenty of time to let the creative juices flow, or even doing some more analytical pieces (something I got pretty good at in English this year).
Hopefully I get ungrounded sometime soon, so I can see my friends at some point before my dad and I take our trip. We are apparently tackling the I countries, as last year we went to India, and this year, we are going to Istanbul and Italy!! I'm really excited, because I finally get to see Pompeii, which is something I have wanted to see since I read the Magic Tree House Story about it in Kindergarden.  And Rome, which has been up there on the list since I saw the Lizzie McGuire Movie (which incidentally was on TV earlier today). And Venice, since I saw Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Istanbul I expect will be amazing as well, though I don't know much about it. All I know is I am gonna have a great time.
Since it's summer and I'm grounded, my activities are limited to writing, reading, facebook, watching movies and cleaning the house, so I will probably read more books than I have really for the last year. Currently I am reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Stieg Larsson. I love it! It's the best book I have read in a long time and I highly recommend it to everyone who loves a good  mystery!
Hope your summer is great!!!


1 comment:

Don said...

Wow. I was impressed that you had so many comments, until I see the spam. Don't. you. just. hate. that?

I do. (I delete them, since many of them are links to porn anyway.)

But regardless, I enjoyed your post. It seems to me you need to find a book or movie set in Istanbul! (I know of none. So I'm no help! Again.)

How was softball? No summer leagues? No softball poems, pieces, or analysis on the value of sports in the cultivation of the whole person in a school driven by academics? Or a nonsense piece? Or a snippet of a key play? or a triumph? or a disappointment? or true friendship?

I'm just throwing out some ideas... like an assistant throwing up clay pigeons: shoot these down! or use one! or change one! or throw up your own saying, "I told you I could do this on my own!"


Happy Wednesday (I've already lost track of the days f the week.)