Thursday, May 21, 2009

Pictures of You (pictures of Me)

Originally uploaded by Daiabolic

It was the best day of her life.
It had to be. Nothing was better than this.
It couldn't be.
She could taste the happiness in her mouth.
The colors of the day.
The cool blues, and passionate reds.
The sweet greens, and the energetic yellows.

The soft scents
The strong ones

Nothing could feel better than wading through
the cold waves.
A smile on her face
As he stood on the shore
camera in hand,
and captured this rare moment
of totally and complete happiness.


Casey Freeland said...

Ah, nice to read as I stand here in my hotel room, looking out over the cold NorCal ocean. So peaceful. Glad to see you're posting again.


musingwoman said...

Total happiness.

I sometimes think I've lived too long and seen too much to ever really feel that again.

Maybe one day.

Don said...

I call them golden moments. They happen all the time. The child-like embrace them.

I read a good Lincoln quote the other day, "Folks are about as happy as they decide to be."

The girl is the poem, decided to bask in the happiness of the moment. Good for her.

SSQuo said...

Oh this is a lovely little post, so full of flavor and happiness :)