really, I want to write.
really badly. I am just so ridiculously uninspired. it's never been this difficult. i am attributing this to the fact that i dislike writing poetry on the computer. narratives, essays, fine. i just really dislike writing poetry on the computer. and writing it out by hand is turning out to be difficult, as I am right-handed, and my right hand is in a cast, thumb included. it just makes writing a pain. but the cast is to be off soon (hopefully).
it could be that i just don't feel very productive. i got a load of new books for Christmas, but have decided to re-read the Harry Potter series. I read book six, then seven, then one, two, and i am currently on three. i started this 3 days ago.
but my dad and i finished that Beatles puzzle, so that's something. and i did hang out with my friends at the promenade in the cold for 5 hours. but it was fun. oh, and i was forced to clean my room. that took up a couple days of break. and i couldn't sleep last night, so i cleaned out the desk in my room. still not going to use it though....
school starts again tomorrow. i really don't want to wake up at seven. that'll be the earliest i've gotten up in in 2 weeks. the last week i've been sleeping past noon.